YOU dear friend are made of matter and energy. An aspect of that energy is in the form of CODES. Some codes are an inherent part of you, others inherited from your lineage and the remainder incubated from all that you have seen, heard, witnessed or experienced.
ALL codes directly influence you and your experience of life. They generate your thoughts, feelings, coping strategies and behaviours, as well as the decisions you make and actions you take. These codes therefore govern your capacity to experience true meaning, deep joy and genuine fulfilment.
So you may be wondering why these codes play such a significant role in your life? Well … there are two types of codes;
LIGHT (life enhancing due to high frequency)
SHADOW (life diminishing due to being low frequency)
CODES directly influence your state of vitality:
Physical Vitality (physical health & self governance)
Emotional Vitality (emotional health & emotional resourcefulness)
Thought Vitality (mental health & mental adaptability)
Spiritual Vitality (spiritual health & authentic expression)
LIGHT CODES are empowering and profoundly nourish all ‘Four Modes of Vitality©’ (above), cultivating a rooted connection with yourself, so that you can realise:
Self governance as your source of POWER. This is cultivated through self-awareness, understanding and empowerment. By aligning to your core values, as well as listening and responding to your body’s wisdom for guidance. This conscious way of living, nurtures true meaning.
Emotional resourcefulness as your source of POWER. By being present with, accepting and processing your emotions, as well as listening and responding to your heart guidance for direction. This conscious way of feeling, nurtures deep joy.
Mental adaptability as your source of POWER. By being present and accepting your internal dialogue, as well as listening and responding to your intuition for guidance. This conscious way of thinking, nurtures faith and trust.
Authentic expression as your source of POWER. Meeting your requirement to be seen, heard and acknowledged, as YOU are. Remaining true to yourself, your requirements and aspirations. This conscious way of living, nurtures genuine fulfilment.
SHADOW CODES on the other hand are destructive and covertly inhibit your ability to sustain your ‘Four Modes of Vitality©’. They provoke disconnection from yourself though:
Self abandonment as a cause of discomfort. Compromising your core values, people pleasing, procrastination and perfectionism, as well as prioritising others over yourself. Ignoring body’s wisdom and failing to meet your physical needs. This way of living nurtures guilt and unworthiness.
Emotional helpless as a cause of discomfort. By ignoring or suppressing how you feel, you become emotionally dis-regulated during times of challenge, and may find it hard to re-stabilise yourself. This way of living fuels the emotional rollercoaster and causes misery.
Mental rigidity as a cause of discomfort. By being stuck in a negative mindset, you cultivate self-doubt, helplessness and lack. You might also prevent yourself from engaging in self-help practices that would improve your quality of life. This way of living nurtures worry and fear.
Inauthentic expression as a cause of discomfort. Dismissing your own needs, compromising yourself by not speaking your truth or morphing yourself to conform to societies/ other peoples ideals. This way of living, nurtures resentment and feeling lost.
Ensuring SELF-Knowledge, doesn't become
Having knowledge of Codes is enlightening, BUT ...
how can YOU use this information to enhance your ‘Four Modes of Vitality©’ on a practical level, so that you benefit from increased meaning, joy and fulfilment ?
Physical Vitality
I encourage you to consider the codes in the food you consume and how these foods nourish your physical body for optimal wellbeing. Do they increase your vibrational frequency and therefore enhance your vitality. Alternatively, do they reduce your vibrational frequency and diminish your vitality, potentially causing dis-ease in the long-term. For example, you can absorb
LIGHT CODES by consuming natural, whole-foods such as fresh fruit, vegetables, pulses, grains
SHADOW CODES by ingesting processed/ manufactured foods such as packet sauces, biscuits, cakes, ready-meals, take-aways
Emotional Vitality
I invite you to contemplate how you experience your emotions. Are you consciously aware and accepting of your emotional state, moment by moment? Or, do you prefer to disregard your feelings and instead opt for a dopamine hit through compulsive behaviours such as shopping, drinking alcohol, eating comfort food, sex etc.
LIGHT CODES are rooted in feelings such as love, peace, joy, acceptance, gratitude or bliss
SHADOW CODES are present in emotions such as shame, guilt, fear, anger, resentment, jealously or grief
Thought Vitality
I recommend becoming aware of your thoughts. Do you regularly spend time with your thoughts or do you opt to drown out your inner voice with external noise? What does your internal dialogue reveal about your beliefs? Are you predominantly an optimist or a pessimist?
LIGHT CODES are rooted in empowering beliefs such as capability, retained power, resourcefulness, self-governance and safety, as well as in faith and trust.
SHADOW CODES are present in disempowering beliefs such inadequacy, mistrust, helplessness or giving power away to fate, as well as being judgemental, unworthy or undeserving.
Spiritual Vitality
I invite you to contemplate how you experience YOU. Do you acknowledge and honour your own spirit, or do you ignore this fundamental aspect of who you are. Do you respect your interconnectedness to the greater whole, which is sacred, cosmic or divine in nature. Are you confident being you or do you morph into who you believe others want you to be?
LIGHT CODES are rooted in a conscious connection to self and living in authentic alignment with your truth. They are also present in unity consciousness and a spiritual connection to others and nature.
SHADOW CODES are present in the disconnection from self and living out of alignment. They are a constant in separation consciousness and a superficial connection to others and nature, as well as a complete disconnection from others and nature.
Did you know that YOU can accelerate the
removal of SHADOW CODES
& the activation of LIGHT CODES?
Well you absolutely can!
Once a month, I offer an online Light Code Activation for those committed to advancing their wellbeing journey.
During a live online transmission, I gently guide you release any SHADOW CODES that are creating disharmony and keeping you tethered to the limitations of your Shadow Self. This will liberate you from patterns such as limiting beliefs, emotional dis-regulation, sabotaging behaviours or unhealthy coping strategies.
You will then be assisted in receiving and embodying new LIGHT CODES, that connect you on a new level to your True Self. These will advance your ‘Four Modes of Vitality©’, so that you can live with increased meaning, joy and fulfilment. It’s time to boost your VITALITY. It’s time to …
Raise Your Frequency
Redefine Your Reality
With sacred blessings,
Well-being Mentor, Medicine Woman & Shamanic Guide