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The Birth Of The Medicine Tent


Helen of The Medicine Tent® enjoying time at Glastonbury Orchard

In a world abundant with external solutions, the most profound answers often lie within. You are not simply on a journey; you are the journey! This is a truth that I am personally aware of and have lived for more than two decades now. Like other people, on my personal life journey, I have navigated the tribulations and triumphs of modern life. I have experienced the Rite Of Passage of motherhood and I am just experiencing that of peri-menopause, as I transition into my Wild Woman years.

I have been through initiations such as marriage, ill-health, divorce and self-employment. The keys that have enabled me to THRIVE through each transition, have always been within me. The same keys lie within you too; AUTHORITY (self governance), ALCHEMY (ability to transform and create) and ALIGNMENT (fulfilling potential and purpose). Each transition has allowed me to unlock the medicine within me. By that, I mean my inner resources, innate gifts, core values and unique perspective.

At the time I didn't realise it, but these experiences were preparing me for something greater. Combined with my professional training, these events aligned me to my soul mission; to support those who are ready to THRIVE by unlocking their inner medicine. The Medicine Tent® was conceived from my desire to provide a safe, accessible space for those seeking proven healing practices that aid a true understanding and development of themselves. I know that there is a global requirement for a source of quality knowledge, that empowers people across aa 'Four Modes Of Vitality®';

  • Physical Vitality - physical health and personal governance

  • Emotional Vitality - emotional health and resourcefulness

  • Thinking Vitality - mental health and adaptability

  • Spiritual Vitality - spiritual health and fulfilment

This will enable people to take full responsibility for their own well-being and realise the power that lies within. This is a resource that I yearned for on my own journey and I am certain that I would have benefited from. I also believe it would have eliminated a vast amount of wasted time, energy, resources and money. Amidst the noise of modern life and the multitude of healing modalities, it is also easy to get drawn into spiritual bypassing practices, that sidestep authentic emotional processing and can exacerbate unresolved mental health issues, therefore hindering genuine healing and growth.

Celtic Roundhouse at Castell Henllys, South Wales

​I am delighted that my vision is now a reality. The Medicine Tent® is a gathering place for like-spirited souls to assemble for blessings, ritual or ceremonies. Connection is imperative for holistic well-being, as it fosters a sense of belonging, combats loneliness and provides validation, as well as vital emotional support. We all deserve to be seen, heard and witnessed; free from judgment and/or expectation. The Medicine Tent® is also safe sanctuary for individuals to unplug from their outer environment and plug into their inner one. This is pivotal for holistic well-being, as it offers valuable time for introspection, healing and transformation. Tye door is always open and you are welcome inside.

In gratitude and with blessings,



The Medicine Tent® is my soul work and purpose. It stands as a testament to my belief that the truest form of healing has always been within us and the natural world. It is my absolute pleasure to share this with you.

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