Hello dear friend
We have officially closed the door on 2023, a year of awakening and introspection and have now begun to welcome in 2024; the year of prosperity. Of course prosperity blesses our lives in many forms. Wealth is bestowed upon us in the love we experience in our relationships, the meaning that infuses our work, the connection we feel to nature and our environment, as well as the moments of joy, peace and contentment that permeate our heart.
Each year has a universal theme (or energy), that we collectively experience, with each year building on the previous one. Â Last year was a 7 year (2+0+2+3), that encouraged us to reframe our reality, which bought its own challenges. We were invited to shift from a conditioned state of being, by reconciling our shadow and stepping more fully into the truth of who we are. For me personally, I uncovered further layers of conditioning that required me to travel down my ancestral maternal line, in order to help the women of my lineage to heal also. An honour to witness and be part of.
The energy codes of 2024 are held in the number 8 (2+0+2+4), gifting us a year of faith, prosperity, balance and success. 8 is a high vibrational number, representing the concept of infinity and represents the Universal Law of ‘as above, so below’.
Are you ready to break free from convention, make bold decisions and take the aligned actions, that will enable you to realise your aspirations?
I truly hope so. You will have an abundant return on investment, should you have the courage, strength and determination to live from a place of authority, embrace the alchemical transformation of self-development and allow your true essence to shine bright like a diamond.
This is the year to give yourself permission to connect with what gives YOUR life true meaning, brings genuine fulfilment and makes YOU truly happy. Allow yourself to vision who YOU are, desire to be and the life YOU wish to live. Infinity 8 is limitless, so be ambitious when you create your vision of 2024. However, remember you’ll need perseverance for your aspirations to be realised. Dreaming alone isn’t enough, as you’ll need to take aligned action too.
Until Imbolc at the beginning of February, we are still in the Winter cycle of reflection and rejuvenation. I recommend using this time to reconcile any remnants of your ‘False Self’ that may create potential blocks to prosperity and gain clarity on the direction that you desire your life to take in 2024.  At Imbolc, get ready to plant your seeds of intention, nurture them well and you will reap what you sow during the harvest seasons later in the year. This cyclical way of living, will enhance your life beyond measure.
If you are feeling the requirement for 1:1 professional support, then I would be delighted to offer you a place on my Time To Thrive Mentorship. I am limiting this to 8 individuals, so if this is something you’d like to explore, then I encourage you to schedule a Discovery Call with me asap. Sessions will commence in February.
For those seeking group support, I will continue to offer online and in-person events. I hold events as follows:
Until we connect again, I wish you a a blessed year of prosperity. |
With sacred love, peace and joy, Helen |